My Mission As A Mediator.

Anna Eva Lenski – Coach, Mediator, Psychologist, Data Scientist, Consultant. Beautiful natural lake.

Business Mediation.

Are there conflicts in your work environment that are using a lot of energy and time, hindering productive collaborative work?

My mediation session helps to dissolve those conflicts and to create a work environment based on authentical communication, trust, and respect.

Anna Eva Lenski – Coach, Mediator, Psychologist, Data Scientist, Consultant. Peaceful and calm lake surrounded by strong and green trees

Interpersonal Mediation.

Conflicts are an integral part of human interaction. Sometimes though, a conflict becomes more severe and has a tremendous impact on the wellbeing of all the persons involved. If that resonates with you, now is a good opportunity to take action.

The mediation is a powerful process transforming conflict into consensus.